Mount Pleasant Magazine July/August 2020 | | 8 - CW facetime W e’re spending a little time with some of our community members and readers of Charleston Women . These are neighbors, daughters, mothers, business leaders, grandmothers, wives, and sisters who possess a common trait: strength. Get to know us better, like us on Facebook at CharlestonWomen . If you would like to appear in Facetime or want to suggest someone, please email the name and contact info to . Our Community Charleston Women facetime Becky Ziegler  Current City: Mount Pleasant Current Employment: MIL Corporation, a federal government contractor. What has been your most important lesson from the recent pandemic and shutdown? I have a greater appreciation for simpler things, like going out to dinner with friends, sporting events, concerts and hugging. I really miss hugging! As we enter a new normal, what is your biggest concern? The health of my kids. My daughter starts college in the fall at USC, and my son is finishing up high school. If you had to pinpoint one thing about Mount Pleasant as your absolute favorite, what would that be? The beaches. There is something special about the sound of the ocean and walking along the shoreline. It restores your soul. Kim Tryon Current City: Mount Pleasant Current Employment: Part owner of K9 Resorts Mount Pleasant, a family-owned luxury dog hotel and dog daycare. What has been your most important lesson from the recent pandemic and shutdown? The pandemic forced my [business] partners and I to dig deeper and find creative ways to stay relevant and keep our doors open. As we enter a new normal, what is your biggest concern? I am optimistic that the pet care industry will rebound and be better than ever but also realize it may take a while. If you had to pinpoint one thing about Mount Pleasant as your absolute favorite, what would that be? We love how Mount Pleasant embraces dogs with open arms. Most establishments are dog-friendly and cater to those who love them, and we are so thrilled to be a part of this community. Jessica Hudson Current City: Charleston (Wando area) Current Employment: Chief of Staff and Controller, PACT (Daniel Island). What has been your most important lesson from the recent pandemic and shutdown? Physical and mental health. Taking care of myself (and my pup) is now a top priority. It’s not been an ideal situation, but making the most of what we have is my biggest takeaway. As we enter a new normal, what is your biggest concern? It’ll be easy to fall back into the old habits, but I hope we instead take the pieces that have been positive – appreciating the small things – and apply them to the “new normal.” If you had to pinpoint one thing about Mount Pleasant as your absolute favorite, what would that be? I love the variety of locally owned businesses and restaurants. Christy Punch Current City: Mount Pleasant Current Employment: Digital Workplace Consultant, Wells Fargo. What has been your most important lesson from the recent pandemic and shutdown? I’ve learned how important family is. We haven’t seen any family members in person since the holidays. Zoom video chats are now a common thing for us, but it’s not the same as hugging your parents in person. As we enter a new normal, what is your biggest concern? I worry that many local businesses and events will not survive adjusting to the new normal or will struggle to get back their pre-pandemic customer base. If you had to pinpoint one thing about Mount Pleasant as your absolute favorite, what would that be? I like the small town feel of Mount Pleasant. While it can get crowded during tourist season, I love that there are so many unique shops and restaurants here that you won’t find anywhere else.