Mount Pleasant Magazine March/April 2021

www. Char l es tonWomen . com | www. Char l es tonWomenPodcas t . com | www. ReadCW. com CW G randmillennial style is a phrase that’s been circulating since late 2019 but is seeing increasing popularity as 2021 interior design trends emerge. At its core is incorporating antiques, bold patterns and textures and embracing a sense of lived-in individuality within our homes. My interior design and home renovation bucket list has always included owning a historic house. We recently purchased a home in Greensboro, North Carolina that was built in 1914, and, as we update it, I’m leaning more into grandmillennial style. If you’ve followed design trends in the last decade, you’ve probably heard plenty of style terms: mid-century modern, minimalism, farmhouse, Scandinavian… the list goes on. Grandmillennial may be new to you, however, the aesthetic itself is anything but new. BY JA IME HUFFMAN Grandmillennial Style Bridging Generations Ja ime Huf fman among some of her f i nds . Photo by Soc i e t y Soc i a l . Photo by Rache l Red Photography. Photo by Soc i e t y Soc i a l .