Mount Pleasant Magazine March/April 2021

70 www. ReadMPM. com | www. VOICE forRea l Es tate. com | www.MountPl easantBu i lder s . com C OVID-19 altered most of our plans and normal routines in 2020, and it is likely to continue affecting us well into 2021, even with vaccinations underway. One aspect that has been impacted is how we vacation, with many families choosing road trips over flying, since air travel is perceived as higher risk, particularly for the elderly and people with chronic conditions. Fortunately, seeing the country by car offers a great way to scratch that travel itch and find solace in a change of scenery. But all that increased driving means it might be time to upgrade your vehicle to something more comfortable, stylish and fuel-efficient. There is a dizzying array of options out there, from visiting area dealerships and browsing classifieds to the brave new world of online car buying and car vending machines. So where do you start? BY COL I N MCCANDLESS The Open Road is Calling How to Buy a NewCar in 2021