Mount Pleasant Magazine May/June 2021

25 www. ReadMPM. com | www. VOICE forRea l Es tate. com | www.MountPl easantBu i l der s . com DCA: I’m optimistic that, despite our growth, Mount Pleasant still has a small- town feel, a sense of community. You still want to walk down the street and smile and wave and say, ‘Hi!’ to your neighbor. In terms of the department, I’m excited to evolve as a police department. I enjoy problem solving and figuring out a better way to do something, whether that’s accomplished through technology, policies and practices, or how we do things. MPM: What’s the first thing that you plan to do when you walk in the doors on your first day as Chief? DCA: When someone is coming in from outside of the organization, they tend to make big changes and do things differently. It’s different when you’ve been with the department for 25 years and you’ve been helping shape the organization as part of this executive team. I’m going to come to work and it’s going to be very similar to what I am doing today. We’ve got a great department, and when you’ve got a great department, there’s no need to commit to huge sweeping changes. It’s going to be like it has been over the years, we will constantly be self-evaluating and saying, ‘How can we do things better? What can we do to improve?’ “When you’re raising four teenagers , you learn a thing or two about teamwork .” Mark Mitchell 843.847.7980 Lisa Mitchell 843.864.4601 feature