Mount Pleasant Magazine Jan/Feb 2022

27 www. ReadMPM. com | www.MountPl easantMagaz i ne. com | www.MountPl easantPodcas t . com BY COL I N MCCANDLESS Together at Last SEWE and CharlestonWine + Food set to return in 2022 Two of Charleston’s most popular annual events, the Southeastern Wildlife Exposition (SEWE) and the Charleston Wine + Food festival (CHSWF), are back after a year hiatus. Mount Pleasant Magazine spoke with SEWE’s Executive Director John Powell and Charleston Wine + Food Marketing and Communications Director Alyssa Smith about the return to in-person gatherings and what to expect from each event in 2022. The 40th Annual SEWE returns on Feb. 18. Established in 1983, the event has always been held on the weekend preceding President’s Day. Powell said they have always