Plans for my Summer
By Ray Bogle
Rising 4th grade, Belle Hall Elementary
I just can’t wait until summer. With all of those plans to do, it’s really going to be fun! I’ll tell you my awesome plans.
This summer I’m going to Michigan! When school gets out were going there. Along the way we might make some stops. First we will leave South Carolina and go to North Carolina and stay there a day. We will go through these states: Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio and Michigan. One of the Sundays in Michigan will be the most fun because we’re going too a live baseball game. Its the Detroit Tiger vs. Cleveland Indians baseball game. After that, I might go swimming with my Dad’s friend’s daughter who is the same age as me and likes baseball like I do.
When we leave Michigan we will go down a different trail and it’s Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and back to South Carolina.
When we come back I will play baseball mostly. Since the summer gets really hot I will enjoy getting wet at the beach. I may fish there, too. I hope I catch a fish to eat. When I go to the water park I will run through the water and get wet. I could always take my water gun and spray myself, too. My Dad and I might have a water balloon fight. We’ll see who will win.
If I get too hot, I will cool down by watching some TV or I will read.
There’s just so much fun stuff to do in the summer.
My Summer Plans
By Marshall Whitmer
Rising 5th grade, Belle Hall Elementary
What summer means to me….. Well, it’s hard to say. It’s hard to think about it when there’s so much to say. Summer means, no school, no homework, and no schedule! You can sleep in, go to the beach and pool, and just have plain fun! All you really do in summer is play with your friends in the hot sun!!!!!
The plans for our family are to drive up to Boston, Massachusetts and probably go to a Red Sox game because I LOVE baseball. Then we’ll drive down to UCONN and my mom will show us all the fun things to do, because my mom went to college there. Then we may drive to Rochester, NY and see my grandma.
What I normally like to do in Charleston is go to the beach. I like Isle of Palms, but I like Sullivan’s Island WAY better. The beach at Sullivan’s is bigger, has bigger waves, and is less crowded. IOP is smaller, has fewer waves, and is SO crowded. My brother and I sometimes invite friends to the beach and always have fun!!!!! We’ve never had a bad time (unless you count weather)!!!! We always play soccer, wiffle ball, and play in the ocean. In the summer I have memories that go all the way back to before I went to preschool. I love summer so much I miss summer when school comes around.
But the best thing about summer is WATERPARKS!!!!!! I love water parks because the slides are awesome. I love them because I feel like I’m walking on air. I go with my friends to all the water parks in Charleston County. My favorite water park is Whirlin’ Waters in North Charleston. I love it because the water slides are so BIG! I’ve only been there twice but it gives me enough experience to love the park! This is all the stuff I like to do in the summer. 🙂
My Summer Vacation
By Lila Richardson
Rising 6th grade, Laing Middle School
This summer, I will be going to Eleuthera, a beautiful tropical island in the Bahamas. My family, grandparents and best friends of ours will be traveling together. Before I go, I will have a lot of packing to do. I will be staying for one week. We will explore the island and do a variety of exciting activities. The only electronic we will use out there is probably our camera. I plan to take a bunch of cool pictures.
While we are there we will go cliff jumping, surfing, snorkeling, and more active activities. I will collect a lot of shells that my sister and I plan to make jewelry with. We will find colorful sea glass and all sorts of seashells. There are many beaches on the island for us to explore.
When I went last year, we caught fish and crab for our meals. It was fun to cook and eat all that we caught ourselves. Some nights we went out to eat dinner though. We also rode a ferry over to another island called Harbour Island, where we got to go to a variety of shops, and I bought a skirt and a bracelet. This year, I will be looking forward to doing much more shopping. When we are on the island it will be exciting to ride around in a golf cart for our transportation instead of a normal car.
The house we have chosen to stay in is beautiful. It is three stories high, and it has a walkway right to the beach. It also has an infinity pool and a pool house. We will have tons of water toys to play with while we are there. We will have a huge water trampoline. There will be kayaks, paddleboards, surfboards and a sailboat provided for us. Fourteen people are going, so it is good that we chose a big house to stay in. I am very excited about our vacation and spending time with my family for a week. This will be a trip I will always remember!
My Summer Fun!
By Kinsey von Lehe
Rising 5th grade, Belle Hall Elementary
I love summer! It’s the time where we can go to the pool or beach and be with our family, But I do have favorite parts!
One of my favorite parts is MY BIRTHDAY! It’s going to be great because I’ll be with my friends. My birthday is on June 20, 2013. I am going to have a pool party/slumber party. At the pool, we’re going to play lots of games like… Star. It’s where you think of a movie star, a book, or even a television show/movie. Then you start giving hints. The first one who figures it out the answer has to swim to the other side, tag their hand, and say out loud what that person might be thinking. After the pool party we will go to my house and watch movies and have snacks.
Another thing I’m doing this summer is going to Bethany Beach, DE. This will be my 2nd time going. Every year we go with my mom’s friend’s family. We go to the beach every day. When my mom’s friends and their kids go with my mom my sister and I to the beach we play soccer and crash into the huge waves. Some nights we go eat at our friend’s house in Bethany.
Once we’re done with Bethany, we’re heading to D.C., where my mom’s friend lives. I have been to D.C. one time but I was 2 so I can’t really remember anything. My mom has been there so many times this year and she told me so many things like there is this restaurant where the whole floor is made out of pennies because the restaurant is named after Abraham Lincoln. While we are in D.C. we’re going to see where Abraham was assassinated in the theater. We’re also going to see the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson the 3rd president of the U.S. Another thing we’re going to see is the Constitution. After all that excitement we’re going home.
As you can see I am going to have a wonderful summer and I hope you have a good one too.
My Summer Vacation
By Anna Brennan
Rising 4th grade, Belle Hall Elementary
I’m looking forward to summer vacation.
After school is out, and when summer begins I have to go to a SAIL (Students Actively Involved in Learning) camp. I didn’t get to choose if I wanted to go or not because my parents make me go to it. It is going to last for three weeks! I got to choose some other camps though. I have always wanted to go horseback riding, so my parents found me a horseback riding camp. YAY! I might go to a tennis camp, too.
I am going to have a “Wet and Wacky” summer. I am going to go to the beach a lot. I am also going to go to the pool and do lots of awesome jumps. Splash! When I go on my parents’ boat this summer I will get splashed a ton. I hope I will go fishing on the boat. It gets so hot in the summer that along with the boat, beach, and pool, my sister and I have a water fight. We get out our water guns. We also get out plastic buckets. We turn on the hose and the sprinkler. We use the hose to fill the buckets with water and then pour it on each other’s head.
In my free time, I will read, read, and read. I will also practice my hoola hoop tricks. I hope I can learn some origami during the summer. I will also do some spying. I will stay up late and get all my spy gear and then spy on everybody. Watch Out! I could be spying on you.
My family is going on a trip in the middle of the summer. (I forgot where we are going.)
The bad thing is that I will have to leave my teacher.
I hope you and I both have a “wet and wacky” summer vacation.
Hello Summer!
My Summer Vacation
By Mac Ketchin
Rising 4th grade, Belle Hall Elementary
Summer is a time to relax and have fun.
During my summer vacation I plan to do a lot of different thigns. I think I will start out with going to the pool. Because it will start to get very hot, and I would need a place to cool off.
The second thing I would like to do would be going to a water park called Splash Island. At Splash Island I could swim, play, and slide all I want.
The third thing I want to do is go to Myrtle Beach with my family. It will be the most fun part of my summer. The next thing I plan to do is go diving. I would like to see a sea turtle while I’m diving.
I would want to go to bed at 9:30 every night and have a spend the night every week.
I would love to go to Chuck E. Cheese. I would want 50 tokens.
I plan to play a lot of baseball
I think my summer will be really fun. I’ll see you at the pool.
Summer 🙂
By Brady Quick
Rising 5th grade, Belle Hall Elementary
My favorite thing to do in the summer is sleep in and not have to worry about school. You can have long fun days and you can go to the pool. Summer makes me feel relaxed and free.
One of my favorite things to do is go to the beach. At the beach you can boogie board and surf board. You can also build sand castles and fly kits. At the beach I like to play football with my dad or friends. I also like to collect lots of shells. When we go to the beach we usually bring lunch. Sometimes we will bring a shovel and dig until we find water.
This year I am also going to travel. I am going to New York and maybe Chicago. In New York there are many things to do. I can go to the Hershey’s Chocolate Factory, I can go to the huge Toys R Us, and my mom can go to Macy’s. When I go to Chicago I can go to Lincoln Park Zoo. Also there is a skate park under a bridge by where I am staying I can go to. I am excited about these trips.
This year I am also going to go jet skiing with my dad. I have never been jet skiing before but I have always wanted to. I am going to some summer camps as well. I am going to a Palmetto Park camp and a few others. I might go play paint ball when I have time. I also might go fishing and roller skating. I am going to do summer reading too. I will read Charlie Joe Jackson’s Guide to Extra Credit, Middle School, the Worst Years of My Life, and many more books. The ice cream truck comes by a lot too. My favorite ice cream is the cookie and ice cream sandwich. Summer is the best time of year. 🙂
My Summer Plans!
By Mae Ouellette
Rising 5th grade, Belle Hall Elementary
I love summer! Summer means not waking up in the morning for school and no work!
Summer is my favorite season! It’s when my birthday is! For my Birthday, I am going to have a hip hop party! My Hip Hop teacher is going to host it! I’m inviting all my friends! Then, my grandma is coming to visit! She is going to take me on a shopping spree! I am so excited! We are going to have so much fun! Next, the WHOLE Ouellette family is going to Coco Beach, Florida! We are going to have a family reunion. I am so excited to see all my family! We haven’t seen each other in a VERY long time! After that, my family is planning to go to Michigan. We have a lot of family there! That’s where I was born! We will go to a Detroit Tigers baseball game! After that, we will go to Lake Kiwi! My friend, Lucy is coming with us! We will go on boat rides, go swimming, and tubing. Lake Kiwi is SO much fun! Then, we might go to Hilton Head! My Grandma and Grandpa Ouellette live there! My grandma owns a golf club.
She is going to have a Grandma and Grand-Daughter fashion show! My baby cousin and I are going to be in it! My cousin’s name is Caylee. She is one years old! We hopefully will be very pretty! My grandma said the we also be able to have a little birthday for me because my grandma will not be able to come to my family birthday party! When I get home I will get together with friends and probably go to the pool! Diving into the pool is like going upside on a roller coaster in the winter. Because it’s so fun and also cold! We will go to water parks and eat hotdog, hamburgers, and definitely have some nice, cold ice cream! Summer is AWESOME! I never, ever want my summer to end! Now we will go to fifth grade! Oh no all that work! I love summer!
By Amiya LaJeunesse
Rising 5th grade, Belle Hall Elementary
During the summer I like to go shopping with my mom and dad. We pick up snacks and frozen food to eat for dinner and before we leave out of the store we always pick up freeze pops and then when we get home we freeze them and eat them all in 1 day. During summer I also like to cook with my mom. We usually bake breakfast for my family. Around 4:00pm to 5:00pm we bake cupcakes and go to the pool.
I like to travel during the summer because you don’t have to worry about cold air, the breeze, or heat. That’s why I like travel during the summer. I like to go to Atlanta, Ga. Because they have pretty houses and I also get to go to the pool. We usually go to Atlanta to visit my aunt and my little cousin. I like to go to the zoo and learn about many animals like lions and tigers. During the summer I like to watch my baby sister and my little brother. I like to go to the beach and play in the sand with my cousins, making sand castles and beach houses.
My favorite thing to do the most is SLEEP!!!! I think that sleeping is the best because you don’t’ have to worry about getting up for school all the time and being late for school and doing homework but… the sad part is you wouldn’t be able to see your friends like Lucy, Grace, and Hannah. That’s the one thing why I still want to be in school. But I don’t think this will be a regular summer because I am use to my school schedule that I have to get use to waking up at that time because I will go sleepy throughout the day. But that’s how I love my summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Thomas Sexton
Rising 5th grade, Belle Hall Elementary
To me summer means that there is no homework, no teachers and no assignments. It also means that we have freedom. With that freedom we can go to the pool or the beach and be stress free. One thing I like to do on a hot summer day is got to the pool and stay all day. We can throw the football or bounce the ball across the water. If we go to the beach we could play bocce or try to find sand dollars.
This summer is not going to be spent in my house the whole time. This summer my family and I are going to my grandma’s house in North Carolina. We usually go on the weekend and can only stay for one and a half days before school starts on Monday. But, since its summer, we might be able to stay for a week! She lives next to the woods so we could go hunting or fishing if we wanted to. If we get lucky we could come home with a fish and she could cook something delicious with just that fish. Since summer last for two and one half months, summer runs through July. On July 4th there are fire-works and explosions of light. Usually my family launches some rockets that are really loud and watches the fireworks.
For the last month of summer I want to spend every day like it is my last day alive. We usually do a lot of fun things like fishing in our pond next door. We also go to our Nana’s house in Mt. Pleasant. This year my parents are going to St. Thomas so my brother and I have to stay there for a week! We might even go to the water park. When we get home we usually do something like watch a movie or play a board game. Since we can’t travel because it’s to close to the end of the summer we just lay back and have fun. That’s how I spend my summer.
To me summer means that there is no homework, no teachers and no assignments. It also means that we have freedom. With that freedom we can go to the pool or the beach and be stress free. One thing I like to do on a hot summer day is got to the pool and stay all day. We can throw the football or bounce the ball across the water. If we go to the beach we could play bocce or try to find sand dollars.
This summer is not going to be spent in my house the whole time. This summer my family and I are going to my grandma’s house in North Carolina. We usually go on the weekend and can only stay for one and a half days before school starts on Monday. But, since its summer, we might be able to stay for a week! She lives next to the woods so we could go hunting or fishing if we wanted to. If we get lucky we could come home with a fish and she could cook something delicious with just that fish. Since summer last for two and one half months, summer runs through July. On July 4th there are fire-works and explosions of light. Usually my family launches some rockets that are really loud and watches the fireworks.
For the last month of summer I want to spend every day like it is my last day alive. We usually do a lot of fun things like fishing in our pond next door. We also go to our Nana’s house in Mt. Pleasant. This year my parents are going to St. Thomas so my brother and I have to stay there for a week! We might even go to the water park. When we get home we usually do something like watch a movie or play a board game. Since we can’t travel because it’s to close to the end of the summer we just lay back and have fun. That’s
yes!!!!! i like some have fun with my puppy!!
so nice to see that everyone spent their holidays so nicely.
Thanks for giving me wonderful idea for my summer vacation