What is the most rewarding part of your business?
The community. The concept for Lowcountry Yoga began years before we opened. We believed in what we wanted to put forth, but the level in which the community has welcomed us has been more than spectacular. It’s an amazing feeling to walk into the studio and feel the warmth and love of students who joined as strangers and quickly became friends. It’s also incredible to see new students who are trying yoga for the first time – often with some level of nervousness – come back again and again.
How do you find your passion?
This again comes back to the people. Yoga offers so many more benefits than exercise. I find energy and joy in creating an environment that welcomes everyone in our community.
What is something you do differently?
We slow down. Yoga doesn’t just take place on the mat. The practice of yoga happens from the moment we wake up to the moment we close our eyes. Our teachers get to know you. We laugh together, we celebrate together — and we may even cry together.
Did you ever almost give up? What stopped you?
Giving up was never an option. I simply needed to find the right opportunity and team. As a gerontologist, my former career focused on the impacts of aging. That experience created the desire to help people create and maintain a lifestyle that directly impacts their physical, emotional and social health.
For more information, visit LowcountryYoga.com
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