Mount Pleasant natives Andrea Leary and Chad Shores started repairing and rebuilding golf carts in front of their house, across the street from Mount Pleasant Academy, as a side gig in 2019. Fast forward to February 2020, Rad Rydz officially opened.
“COVID happened right when we were getting our start,” Leary explained as she gave the history of their company. “I said to myself, ‘what are we going to do!?’ We didn’t know if we were going to stay open. It worked out great for us. We were selling 50-60 golf carts a month, could have sold more, but there was a golf cart shortage. We were repairing golf carts around the clock.”
During COVID-19, Leary was determined to keep the business going. They were repairing and selling golf carts at record volume. Leary studied the business and cold-called vendors to establish and solidify relationships. Rad Rydz is now a manufacturer.
“It’s been great, honestly,” Leary said. “You can drive to us with your golf cart if you live in the area and we are the only golf cart shop in Mount Pleasant that’s capable of re-manufacturing any golf cart to a low-speed vehicle.”
For readers who may not be aware, if you have a golf cart, you are only allowed to drive within a 4-mile radius of your home. LSV drivers have no limitations on how far they can drive to, and yes, they can even cruise down Coleman Boulevard. If you live on Sullivan’s Island or Isle of Palms, you can’t cross Breach Inlet with a golf cart. LSVs are only allowed to drive between the two islands.
Live in Dunes West? Unfortunately, you can’t own a golf cart at all! You are only allowed to drive an LSV. With LSVs you do pay taxes, have a VIN number, they’re street legal, and have the SCDOT certified tires, lights and license plates.
Rad Rydz is changing the golf cart industry in the Mount Pleasant area with their unique approach. Not only is Rad Rydz known for repairing and selling golf carts, but also giving back to the community.
Leary and Shore have been pillars of the community for years. Leary doesn’t let “No,” a challenging situation, or even a pandemic stop her from succeeding. Every year, Leary and Shore donate a golf cart to Mount Pleasant Academy’s fundraising initiative and Wake Up Carolina — a recovery-focused program that offers advocacy activities, carrying out recovery-focused community education and outreach programs.
“Any time we can give back, we do,” Leary added. “We have done well. It’s our duty to give back!”
Rad Rydz is locally owned and treats you as family. Stop by Rad Rydz today for all your golf cart needs. Make sure you say hello to their beautiful pup Moultrie; he’ll be sure to greet you with the warmth and attention customers have come to know, expect and love when shopping at Rad Rydz.
For more information, please visit radrydz.com or call 843-972-8525.
By Maurice J. Frazier
Great people! Very ethical and trustworthy