Best Hunting and Fishing Store
Nominating Category:
Best Sporting Goods
Mike Able, Owner
How did your business get started?
Our father started the business in September of 1983. At the time, there was not a tackle shop in Mount Pleasant. The closest one was in West Ashley. Dad saw a need and moved on it. In the beginning, he had a partner in the business, John Royall. After about 10 years, he bought Mr. Royall’s part of the business. In 2018, the business located to the east of our main building became available. That is where Haddrell’s Point Fin to Feather now resides! This is our fly fishing and hunting headquarters. Fast forward to 2020, and Michael and Graham have purchased the three HPT locations from their parents.
What are some challenges that you’ve overcome?
The challenges have definitely changed over the years in many ways. In the beginning, a little before I was born, our father went through your typical startup business hurdles. We later saw other competitors open up in the area. While most folks still seek advice and service on their fishing gear, some challenges have been competing with online sales. As of late, the biggest challenge is staffing and all of the supply chain issues. Challenges make us stronger, and we are proud to have overcome many of them. We will keep our heads down, keep moving forward and maintain a great product with a fair price and outstanding service.
To learn more, visit or call 843-881-3644.
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