Have you ever gone online to make a simple purchase and ended up spending hours trying to find exactly what you were looking for? How many times have you heard someone ask, “Does anybody know someone who has a good used car for sale?” At Canaroo.com, you can tell the world what you’re looking for and how much you’re willing to pay.
Canaroo’s creators spent a lot of time trying to come up with a good name, but everything they could think of was taken. They decided to go with something that was quirky but sounded positive, and they adopted the “dot,” as in dot-com, as their mascot.
Their biggest challenge has been getting people to change the way they think about buying online. People are used to going to eBay or Amazon and searching for the best price. Now all they need to do is go to Canaroo.com, request what they want, state the price they are willing to pay and let sellers come to them.
But how does the site work? It’s easy. You submit a request and enter the amount you’re willing to pay. Visitors see your request and realize they have just what you want. These potential sellers put a response to your request in the system, with a description and maybe a picture, and let you know if they are willing to sell for what you are willing to pay. If more than one visitor has what you need, they might compete on price.
Getting traffic to websites is always a challenge, so Canaroo is based on a system that uses existing platforms. Canaroo is sort of like a wanted list on steroids, incorporating social media links to Facebook and Twitter to help get a request out quickly. Electing not to use the social media add-ons is OK as well. Because Canaroo is a name-your-price website, there are some situations where you might not want to use your social media connections. Not everyone wants the world to know how much they are willing to pay for a car or other item.
And the best part is that Canaroo.com costs nothing. Its creators wanted it to be easy to use, focused on the buyer and free. Big websites cater to sellers by letting them create virtual stores or grouping wholesalers together. But who’s looking out for the buyer? Shouldn’t a buyer be able to ask for something and help determine what that something is worth?
But why should sellers come to the site? They will visit Canaroo.com to find people who are looking for a specific item and who are willing to pay a certain amount and buy today. A pre-qualified list of buyers is a seller’s dream. A lot of people can benefit – consignment shops, flea market vendors and pawn shops, for example – but mainly the site is for people who have an attic full of things they no longer need and the buyers who need or want those items.
To try Canaroo, visit www.Canaroo.com.
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