Brian Kucaba: Lowcountry Mulch
Moira Kucaba: Beachbody Coach
Brian and Moira Kucaba attribute their success to putting God and family first and making their health and wellness a top priority in their daily lives. With each running their own successful business, both have extremely busy schedules but work together raising their two children and stay focused on what their shared vision is for their family and future.
Opening Lowcountry Mulch in 1999, Brian has built a solid and reputable business that has steadily grown over the last 20 years. “It was tough in the beginning,” he said. “I remember being down to about $2,000, with no credit left and was about to hang it up.” Brian said he prayed about it, and, the following Monday, the phone was ringing with business — and it hasn’t stopped since. “Faith really plays a huge role in both of our businesses and family life.”
For Moira, success didn’t come for her until she stumbled onto Beachbody coaching a little over four years ago. “I owned a Pilates studio and then a juice company but really felt purposeless,” she recalled. “I was searching for that thing, something where I could do more in the world but struggled with how to do that and be a mom.” She joined Beachbody as a fitness coach, determined to make a difference, not just in her life but in the lives of others. Her leap of faith has not only paid off but surpassed all expectations, as she is ranked No. 3 out of over 400,000 coaches within the company. “Never in a million years did I picture myself doing this,” Moira said, “but sometimes the greatest gifts in life don’t come in the packages we think they should.”
Managing two businesses and raising their family is not without challenges. “It’s a constant refiguring of how to balance it,” she said. “We’ve learned to sit down with our calendars and really plan things out, looking at our goals every day.”
Brian and Moira agree that instead of keeping score on who does what, they’ve had to shift expectations. “There are growing pains as business grows, so we’ve had to manage it,” Brian said. “Where Moira was there in the beginning as my business grew, now I’m stepping into that same role as her business grows.”
Taking time for each other is also scheduled. “We have a date night once a week and taking time for that is really important,” he said.
Maintaining good health and more importantly, their positive mindset, is the anchor of their daily routine. “We could never do any of this without prioritizing our health and working on our personal development,” Moira added. “We set time for our physical, emotional and mental selves so we can go into each day prepared.”
By Diane Pauldine
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