The next time you need to renew your insurance policies, consider taking these steps to make sure you understand what your coverages are. Most often, people purchase a homeowners insurance or renters insurance policy when they first move out and into their new home. Many people pay little attention to the policies after that. Over time, as they make renovations, purchase new … [Read more...]
34 Waterway Island Drive: Masterpiece in the Making
Over the last two months, exciting progress has been made at 34 Waterway Island Drive on Isle of Palms. Hardwood flooring and tile have been laid throughout the home, electrical pre-wiring is complete, trim work and shiplap have been installed and the HVAC is up and running. One addition to the original plans includes a spiral staircase leading from the first-floor pool deck … [Read more...]
Hurrication: Packing The Car For Evacuation
In the Lowcountry, where hurricanes are a familiar threat, packing up and evacuating can be daunting. Deciding what to bring and what to leave behind is a significant challenge, but efficient packing can transform a stressful escape into a manageable task. With the peak of hurricane season having arrived, it’s crucial to be prepared. Here are some essential tips (*) to ensure a … [Read more...]
Rad Rydz: Reinventing the Ride
If you've recently heard about a unique Jeep-style golf cart, it was likely Rad Rydz’s latest creation, custom-built and quickly sold to Greystar Apartments. This local business, renowned for its innovative and custom work, Atlas golf carts and low-speed vehicles, has taken creativity to new heights by constructing a golf cart using actual Jeep parts. Since opening in 2018, … [Read more...]
Starling Chevrolet: Fueled by Family Values
When I stopped into Starling Chevrolet recently, it did not feel like a typical car dealership. As I walked through the new car showroom, located at the junction of I-526 and Highway 17 North, I couldn’t initially put my figure on why it felt different. Any other time I had been in a car dealership I’ve had my guard up, always concerned that I would be ambushed by a … [Read more...]
A Sweet Niche: Inside Scoop On Izzy’s
When Izzy moved to Mount Pleasant, she was enamored by the generosity of its residents and the diversity of the bustling restaurant scene, inspiring her to open Izzy’s Scoops & Sweets. Her sweet niche for desserts not only features a Greek twist, but also catering to an assortment of dietary restrictions with their gluten-free and vegan offerings. Combined with their … [Read more...]
Breath Of Hope: Small Cell Lung Cancer Takes Big Step Forward
A cancer diagnosis of any kind can be devastating. In terms of lung cancer, a diagnosis of small cell lung cancer is especially so, as the disease has a poor prognosis. It can be hard to detect and spreads easily, making it complicated to treat. But to paraphrase South Carolina’s state motto, “Where there is breath there is hope,” and hope recently got much brighter with a new … [Read more...]
Better Together: Overdose Awareness Takes A Town
Drug addiction is often a long and lonely road — whether you or a family member or friend are walking the path, the experience can be isolating. Especially in a charming town like Mount Pleasant, it’s easy to forget, unless you live it, that drug use infiltrates communities of every shape and size, regardless of economic status, race or age. Our town is no different. Drug … [Read more...]
Scouting Report: Girls High School Basketball Preview
The girls high school basketball promises to be an entertaining and competitive one across the East Cooper. As players run laps, sweat through drills and perfect their skills in practice and scrimmage for a late November tip-off, it’s time to review the scouting report of the local talent. Here is a look at five schools and their head coaches, both new and veteran, and their … [Read more...]
Full-court Scoop: Boys High School Basketball Breakdown
The boys high school basketball season might be more exciting than ever before among Lowcountry area high schools. Whether they’re big, small, renowned, climbing or in many cases realigned, teams in and around the East Cooper area think 2025 could be notable for a variety of reasons. Here is a look at five schools and their head coaches, both new and veteran, and their … [Read more...]